Oh, that was funny and you know it. My Jewish friend Evan would laugh, I guarantee you.
Benjamin Belial
JoinedPosts by Benjamin Belial
Brand New Blood Card
by PoppyR inhubby has just come back from the service meeting where they have been handed out brand new style blood cards, now called 'advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment' .
it's quite a bit different.
and has the line on it about giving permission to the hospital liason committee to see your notes and medical records.. very scary stuff i think, and i certainly wont be filling one in.. i'm really short of time tonight, but will scan it in, along with the notes that go with it and try and post it some time over the next day or so if someone else doesn't beat me to it!.
Benjamin Belial
And all this time I thought it was October THIRTY first.
Song lyrics
by Benjamin Belial inone of my favorite bands is deicide.
i'm sure it's not to any of your tastes, but they have done a few songs that are, to me at least, obviously about the jws.
their vocalist and writer, glen benton, wrote an article about the jws on their site but i can't get into the site anymore.
Benjamin Belial
One of my favorite bands is Deicide. I'm sure it's not to any of your tastes, but they have done a few songs that are, to me at least, obviously about the JWs. Their vocalist and writer, Glen Benton, wrote an article about the JWs on their site but I can't get into the site anymore.
I wish I had it; it was very funny. He told them to never come to his house again, and he told them if he ever caught them corrupting his kid's minds with "Craptower" literature(as he called it) he would come to the local Kingdom Hall and wait outside for them. In an interview recently, he mentioned that they did come back and he called the cops and had them escorted out of the apartment complex in the back of a police car.
Anyway here are two song lyrics that are JW related. Let me know what you think.
Halls Of WarshipThey want to witness the arrival of the lord
And the destruction he has promised to us all
Their sick conviction to the ending of the world
Live in prediction he will soon be back on Earth
They think they are the only ones who will be spared
The kingdom of Jehovah isn't really there...
Halls of warship burn, until you touch the ground
Ignited by deceit, your will of god is misperceived
Where's the virtue in the riddles of a dying king?
Exiled in defeat, the end of their regime
They know who rules this world, a tool they use to scare
Brainwash the witnesses to think he's coming here
Their only mission is the pending fear of god
Given permission to pursue a life without
A grim existence for the offspring that they breed
Return to Abraham and let us live in peace!
Halls of warship burn, until you touch the ground
Ignited by deceit, your will of god is misperceived
Where's the virtue in the riddles of a dying king?
Exiled in defeat, the end of their regimeWhen Satan Rules His WorldOpen the door Jehovah you whore
I am a servant of who rules this world
Archnemesis of your light
One look at me and you know he is I
Run away when confronted with Satan
Always here and forever will be
Your concern for my Lord is becoming
Defecate on your book of belief
Door to door soliciting war
Feeble man with salvation as sword
Disturb and see you will die
For I am of Him in his world you're confined
Why try? World dies, christ hides
When Satan rules his world
Disease, run free, killing
When Satan rules his world
Religion, infliction, obscene
When Satan rules his world
Witness, dismissed, executed
When Satan rules his worldGlen Benton
Former JWs' First Christmas
by jschwehm inhi gang:.
i thought you guys would find this article interesting:.
Benjamin Belial
With a screen name like Belial, I can't say I'm surprised.
Kneel before your god.
Brand New Blood Card
by PoppyR inhubby has just come back from the service meeting where they have been handed out brand new style blood cards, now called 'advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment' .
it's quite a bit different.
and has the line on it about giving permission to the hospital liason committee to see your notes and medical records.. very scary stuff i think, and i certainly wont be filling one in.. i'm really short of time tonight, but will scan it in, along with the notes that go with it and try and post it some time over the next day or so if someone else doesn't beat me to it!.
Benjamin Belial
The ad at the bottom of this page is for a guide to "Jewish Business Ethics." That must be about as short as the list of French war heroes.
Watchtower has been wheat with weeds?
by Star Moore ini have just left the org.
after 26 years.
i would like to make the point that the reason it is hard to leave the org.
Benjamin Belial
Wheat with weeds? More like meat with seeds!
Okay, sorry, that doesn't make sense. Think about it though.
Brush up on your Theocratic Warfare techniques!
by Mysterious inah theocratic warfare, how we love to hate you.
the more literature i see left out pointed in my direction, underlined or highlighted of course, the less i want to consider their point of view.
it just reinforces my decision to leave even more.
Benjamin Belial
Why is this surprising? They learned from the best.
John 12 40 He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn–and I would heal them.
2 Thessalonians 2 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.Mark 4 10 When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11 He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables 12 so that, “ ‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’"
Joshua 11 19 Except for the Hivites living in Gibeon, not one city made a treaty of peace with the Israelites, who took them all in battle. 20 For it was the LORD himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Did God create good and evil?
by THE SHOOTIST inisaiah 45:7 says he did.
gen. 3:16/17 says that he placed the tree of knowledge of good and bad in the middle of the garden.
didn't god say in gen 3:22 that after man ate of the fruit he has become like us (the gods)knowing good and evil.
Benjamin Belial
This is why I like the gnostic view a lot better. There is no "one" gnostic view, but the basics seem to be that the God of the Garden of Eden was actually a vicious sadistic bastard called the Demiurge, his proper name being Yaldabaoth. He was our creator. The world is so twisted and cruel because our creator is twisted and cruel. God didn't want us to have knowledge, but Satan came and offered it to us in the form of the fruit. Later he came in the form of Jesus, and Yaldabaoth had him killed in order to quiet him. However, Satan/Jesus switched places with another man, who was crucified in his place, while Jesus ran off laughing.
So yeah. Gnosticism all the way. Seems to make more sense, aside from the whole killing an innocent man thing. That's not in all the texts though :P and may be rather rare. Most of the rest of it is pretty common Gnostic belief though. Constantine even had a temple to Sophia if I recall, who was Yaldabaoth's mother. (Yaldabaoth is not the true god, just a fake that Christians and Jews worship.)
There are some very interesting things about Sophia but I'll save them for if anyone is interested.
Depression, Holidays & JW's
by oldflame inwhen you were a witness did you get depressed around the holidays ?
tell me what your feelings were then and now.
Benjamin Belial
How can you be depressed over something you never did? Ask a lonely virgin.
The Bottom Line
by feelinsketchy innot long ago i saw a post to the effect that the writer just doesn't care anymore about the dubs.
i understand perfectly.
i'll go a step further by saying that although i care about the damage caused by the borg to individuals and families, every experience is important and no doubt painful, for me there is something that hits me to the core.. the more important (to me anyway) work that is being done by this board and others like it is to proclaim (sorry about the language) that this group advocates the violent destruction of all except those that get to all the meetings and put in ten hours a month.
Benjamin Belial
Actually I was always told quite clearly that non-JWs would be resurrected. Many who were seen by God as being fit for a second chance because they never heard his word, or had some problem that prevented them from understanding it, etc would be given a chance again.